An Austrian production based on the real life adolescence of Manfred Deix, a highly talented satirical cartoonist and illustrator.
This storyboard collaboration giving life to Deix´s work is a wonderful gift for us that we will always cherish.
It is very impressive to see such high-calibre work delivered by the team as they strive to match the superior artistic quality of the character. We are especially grateful to Director Santi López Jover for putting his trust in us from day one. We can hardly wait for the film´s release at the end of 2020. You will love it!
Young SNOOTY BOY falls madly in love with Marielina, a girl from a gypsy family who have settled in town.
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At the moment Rotzbub is in the production phase, so the animatics are not widely available yet… if you wish to have a sneak preview, ask us for the password!
Director: Santi López Jover
Script: Rupert Henning
Producer: Josef Aichholzer
Supervisor/Story artist: Aitor Herrero
Clean-up: Carlos Arroyo, Jéssica Esteve, María Minguez, Jaime Sirvent, Tania Porras